Saturday, February 27, 2010

Downloadhelper and Xmarks Topnotch Browser Add-ons

If you love to browse through creative content online (youtube vids/flikr pics etc) and would like the ability to store it locally in your hard-drive there is an amazing little Firefox add-on "downloadhelper" that allows you to do just that. I just hope by now you have Firefox browser installed on your machine, there is absolutely no reason not to have it. Even though its a bit slower than Google's Chrome, FF is a lot better than most other browsers in terms of security, speed and level of customization.

In addition to capturing videos & images from your favorite website, downloadhelper also allows you to automatically convert those files into most commonly used extensions like WMV & mp3.

You can download the add-on here:

There is also a great add-on for Chrome, FF, IE, & Safari called Xmarks. It allows you to save your webpage bookmarks in the cloud and sync them across all of your computers.