Monday, April 20, 2009

SalesForce Notes on Lead Scoring

My formula: 

CASE (Interest_Level__c , "Low", 2, "Average", 3, "Above Average", 4, "High", 5, "Very High", 6, 0) + 
CASE (LeadSource , "Web", 2, "Trade Show", 3, "Phone Inquiry", 4, "Partner", 6, "Advertisement", 2, "Employee Referral", 4, "External Referral", 3, 0) + 
CASE (Brand_Centric__c , "Not at all", 2, "Somewhat", 3, "Average", 4, "Above Average", 5, "Very Brand Conscious", 6, 0) + 
CASE (Product_Need_Urgency__c, "Just to show that we have it", 4, "Somewhat important, OK without it", 6, "Important, need this product", 8, "Necessary", 10, "Can't do business without it", 12, 0)+ 
CASE ( Products_Interested_In__c , "Hardware Deal", 2, "Software + Hardware", 4, "Software Deal", 6, "Complete Solution", 10, "Complete Solution +", 12, 0)+ 
CASE ( Industry, "Food Service", 2, "Banking",3, "Retail",4, "Hospitality", 6, 0)+ 
CASE ( Returning_Customer__c , "Yes, was not profitable", 3, "No", 6, "Yes, average", 12, "Yes, better than average", 15, "Yes, was a cash cow", 18, 0)+ 
CASE ( Timeline__c , "Undecided", 1, "Less than 2 month", 16, "12 month +", 6, "8-12 month", 8, "5-7 month", 12, "2-5 month", 14, 0)+ 
CASE ( Annual_Revenue__c , "0-100,000", 0, "100,000-500,000", 1,"1,000,000-50,000,000", 2, "<50,000,000-250,000,000", 3, "250,000,000-500,000,000", 4,"500,000,000-999,000,000", 5,"1,000,000,000+", 6,0)+ 
CASE ( Budget__c , "$0-$999", 1, "$1,000 - $ 2,000", 2, "$2,000 - $ 4,000", 3, "$5,000 - $ 10,000", 6, "$15,000 - $ 25,000", 9, "$30,000 - $ 45,000", 12, "$50,000-$80,000",15, "$100,000+", 18, 0)+ 
CASE ( Title__c , "Sales Person", 4, "IT Tech Rep", 6, "Marketing", 8, "Influencer Manager", 10, "VP Executives", 11, "CEO President", 12, 0 )+ 
CASE ( Geographic_Location__c , "Overseas", 2, "North America", 3, "USA", 4, "USA - NN Sales Rep in the Region",6, 0)

Assign negative score to unqualifed leads. 

SF Community Formula: (if duplicate score score 0)

       ISPICKVAL ( LeadStatus , "Dup Lead" )  ,
       ISPICKVAL ( LeadStatus , "No Potential" ) \\ < -- the condition to test\\
       ) \\ < -- closes the "OR"\\ ,
      0  , \\ < -- puts "0" when condition for first IF is true\\
             Contains (EMAIL, "yahoo" ) ,
             Contains (EMAIL, "hotmail" ) ,
             Contains (EMAIL, "gmail" ) ,
             Contains (EMAIL, "" ) ,
             Contains (EMAIL, "aol" ) ,
             Contains (EMAIL, "verizon" ) \\ < -- the condition to test for when the first IF is false\\
            ) , \\ < -- closes the "OR" for the nested IF\\
            1 ,  \\ < -- puts "1" when second nested IF is true \\                  
                CASE ( LeadSource ,
                       "Advertising", 1,
                       "Directory Listing (paid)", 3,
                       "Directory Listing (unpaid)", 1,
                       "Email", 4, "E Newsletter", 4,
                       "Inbound Call MUC", 4,
                       "Inside Sales", 1,
                       "Other", 1,
                       "Press Release", 1,
                       "Rep Lead", 1,
                       "Seminar / Conference", 3,
                       "Technical Article", 2,
                       "Top 10", 1,
                       "Tradeshow", 4,
                       "Web", 4,
                       "Organic - Google", 4,
                       "PPC - Google", 4,
                       "Google AdWords", 3,
                CASE (Industry ,
                       "Solar Cells", 4,
                       "Medical", 3,
                       "Electronic Components", 3,
                       "Automotive", 3,
                       "Alternative Energy", 4,
                       "Batteries", 4,
                       "Aerospace", 3,
                       0) \\ < -- performs this calculation if the second nested IF is false\\
                ) \\ < -- closes the "SUM"\\
         ) \\ < -- closes the nested "IF"\\
  ) \\ < -- closes the first  "IF"\\